Quorn Village
Quorn is located in the Soar Valley, which runs through the northern part of Leicestershire, near to Loughborough. There are two churches in Quorn, St. Bartholomew's United Church (Anglican/Methodist) and Quorn Baptist, both of which play an active part in village life. We regularly join together to participate in village events, hold joint services or run activities such as the summer Holiday Club. For more information about Quorn, including the Parish Council, community groups, businesses and events the Village Website is very useful.
The Great Central Steam Railway runs to the West of the village and is the UK's only double track main line heritage railway and a popular attraction for visitors and enthusiasts.
The Great Central Steam Railway runs to the West of the village and is the UK's only double track main line heritage railway and a popular attraction for visitors and enthusiasts.
Online Museum
For more information about the history of Quorn a wealth of information can be found at Quorn Village Online Museum. The website has additional photographs and information about Quorn Baptist Church including a transcription of the memorials and sketches showing the location of the graves.