Here are our links and engagement with the community of Quorn
Our links and engagement with the wider community of Quorn, Loughborough and the surrounding villages are important to us, as a church and as individuals. Many of our regulars are members of community groups including Quorn Mills Park Bowls Club; QUO (Quorn Ukulele Orchestra) and Charnwood Community Singers.
Our services are open to all (more details here) – why not visit us on a Sunday at 10:30? The first Sunday in each month is a less formal ‘all-age’ service, often set up ‘café-style’. We also run a carer and toddler group called First Steps and a group for babies called Baby Steps. We have regular social groups, including Warm Spaces on Thursday mornings and Craft & Chat on Wednesday afternoons.
For many years we have hosted a refreshments tent at the annual village fete (along with Quorn United Church - QUC), sung carols around the village at Christmas and handed out hot cross buns at Easter. In partnership with QUC, we have organised a summer Holiday Club for children and more recently held open-air Carols in the Park.

We run workshops in church for St Bart’s School at Christmas and Easter, and in the summer for Year 6 transitioning to Senior School.
For the last two years we have had the privilege to host a monthly coffee morning for Quorn and Charnwood Homes for Ukraine -
For the last two years we have had the privilege to host a monthly coffee morning for Quorn and Charnwood Homes for Ukraine -
The list below includes organisations that currently or recently have used our premises for their activities:
- Ranger Guides
- Beavers
- Royal British Legion
- Women’s Aid charity concert with Charnwood Community Singers
- QUO (Quorn Ukulele Orchestra) Christmas singalong
- Living Waters
- Tear Fund Big Quiz

If you are interested in hiring our premises, please get in touch here.