About Us

Ian Smith is the full-time Minister at Quorn Baptist Church and he was appointed in September 2013. He is passionate about communicating the message of the Bible, helping people to understand it and apply it to their lives.
Ian spent most of his childhood in Nottingham where he attended his local Methodist Church. He studied Biology at York University, which was where he made a personal commitment to Christ and was active in both the Christian Union and a local Anglican Church. After university Ian worked for a year at a Christian sailing centre in Essex and then for 4 years as an Environmental Scientist with the Water Research Centre near Reading. Having considered Christian ministry since university, Ian then studied at the Birmingham Bible Institute for 3 years, gaining a Diploma in Biblical and Pastoral Studies.
Ian spent most of his childhood in Nottingham where he attended his local Methodist Church. He studied Biology at York University, which was where he made a personal commitment to Christ and was active in both the Christian Union and a local Anglican Church. After university Ian worked for a year at a Christian sailing centre in Essex and then for 4 years as an Environmental Scientist with the Water Research Centre near Reading. Having considered Christian ministry since university, Ian then studied at the Birmingham Bible Institute for 3 years, gaining a Diploma in Biblical and Pastoral Studies.
After gaining his Diploma, Ian was appointed as Minister of a Wesleyan Reform Church in the Nottingham area, where he served for 5 years. Ian then took a break from ministry and got a job with the Nottingham Probation Service. In 2006 he gained accreditation as a Baptist Minister and was appointed as Assistant Minister of Watnall Road Baptist Church in Hucknall in 2007. Ian is married to Mandy, whom he met at Bible College, and they have four children, Asher, Charis, Susannah and Ruth. When busy family life allows it, Ian likes to run to keep fit.
Many people contribute to the life of the church; some are involved in preaching, leading services and leading the worship group. Others take on responsibility for children's or older people's activities, village events and social activities for men and women. Most people regularly attend house groups for bible study and fellowship.
Our minister from 2006, Rev. John Davies, retired in February 2013, and moved to Gloucestershire. Some of you who are visiting this site may remember two of our other former pastors. Howard Ketton was here between 1993 and 2004 and he is now retired and living in Loughborough. Before that, Pastor Cooper was the minister for over 30 years!
Many people contribute to the life of the church; some are involved in preaching, leading services and leading the worship group. Others take on responsibility for children's or older people's activities, village events and social activities for men and women. Most people regularly attend house groups for bible study and fellowship.
Our minister from 2006, Rev. John Davies, retired in February 2013, and moved to Gloucestershire. Some of you who are visiting this site may remember two of our other former pastors. Howard Ketton was here between 1993 and 2004 and he is now retired and living in Loughborough. Before that, Pastor Cooper was the minister for over 30 years!
We should probably say that the church building has been here for a little while:
Further information can be found on the History page.
Further information can be found on the History page.

Baptist Union
What We Believe
We are a bible-believing church who recognise the saving work of Jesus Christ in our lives, and we are a member of the Baptist Union. A more detailed statement of belief can be found further down this page. For more information about the Baptist Union please follow this link.
The Purpose of Quorn Baptist Church
We believe that God has a purpose for us as individual Christians and that He also has a purpose for us as part of God’s family in Quorn Baptist Church. We have summarised what we believe God’s purpose for our Church to be in the following ‘Purpose Statement’:
Quorn Baptist Church exists to bring people to Jesus and into membership of His Church Family, develop them to Christ-like maturity, and equip them for ministry in the church and mission in the world, in order to magnify God’s Name.
Quorn Baptist Church exists to bring people to Jesus and into membership of His Church Family, develop them to Christ-like maturity, and equip them for ministry in the church and mission in the world, in order to magnify God’s Name.
Our Beliefs in More Detail
God created each one of us to have a personal relationship with Him, but our selfish nature and the wrong things that we think, say and do separate us from God.
God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to take the punishment that we deserve - even though this involved Jesus’ death by crucifixion - so that we could have the relationship with God that He intended for us.
Jesus lived a perfect and exemplary life on earth: He honoured and obeyed His Father God in all He said and did. God raised Him from the dead and gave Him all authority in heaven and earth. One day He will return and rule over the earth as ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords’.
God wants the very best for each of us but He does not force us to take it. We need to ask for His forgiveness and accept it. When we do this, and ask Him to come into our lives as Lord, God adopts us as His children and we begin the relationship with God that He intended for us.
When we have this relationship with God, His Holy Spirit comes into our lives and gives us guidance, understanding of the Bible and power to live our lives in the way God wants. As we grow in our lives as Christians we get to know Him and His purposes for our lives through the Bible and though prayer.
As our Father, God wants us to know Him, love Him and become more and more like Him. We get to know God through talking to Him in prayer and reading the Bible. The Bible is inspired by God and teaches us about Him, the way He wants us to behave and His purposes for us.
To find out more about the Christian Faith we recommend the "Christianity Explored" website.
God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to take the punishment that we deserve - even though this involved Jesus’ death by crucifixion - so that we could have the relationship with God that He intended for us.
Jesus lived a perfect and exemplary life on earth: He honoured and obeyed His Father God in all He said and did. God raised Him from the dead and gave Him all authority in heaven and earth. One day He will return and rule over the earth as ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords’.
God wants the very best for each of us but He does not force us to take it. We need to ask for His forgiveness and accept it. When we do this, and ask Him to come into our lives as Lord, God adopts us as His children and we begin the relationship with God that He intended for us.
When we have this relationship with God, His Holy Spirit comes into our lives and gives us guidance, understanding of the Bible and power to live our lives in the way God wants. As we grow in our lives as Christians we get to know Him and His purposes for our lives through the Bible and though prayer.
As our Father, God wants us to know Him, love Him and become more and more like Him. We get to know God through talking to Him in prayer and reading the Bible. The Bible is inspired by God and teaches us about Him, the way He wants us to behave and His purposes for us.
To find out more about the Christian Faith we recommend the "Christianity Explored" website.